High Quality Black Copper Marans Rooster

Contact: Rainbow Napier

Phone: (352) 445-8073


Price: $100


5620 SE 12TH St, Ocala, FL 34480 Ocala, Florida34480

Listing Details

  • Gender: M
  • Pet Age: Young
  • Size: L
  • Listed: November 12, 2024 3:31 pm

Pure bred French Black Cooper Marans
Rooster. Young and ready for a new flock. He will darken up your next generation of BCM hens eggs improve their copper collars or can be used to breed to blue laying hens to create hens that will lay olive colored eggs.

they are all fabulous from my hatch from HB marans line. I just can’t keep them all and it has been a hard decision.
If you are interested in some of the finest quality BCM don’t miss out on this steal has dark egg genetic to back him as well as Standard of perfection (SOP).

Contact: Rainbow Napier

Phone: (352) 445-8073

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Listing ID: 4426733b421d0311

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