Noyer la Dame Mondaine, Framed, Signed, Weston Graphic!

Contact: Terry



Price: $145


15411 SW 14th Avenue Rd Ocala, Florida34473

Listing Details

  • Listed: December 25, 2024 9:01 pm

Elegant framed artwork by Philippe Noyer: ‘la Dame Mondaine’ (Tiger & La Madame Mondaine) from1981. It is Plate-Signed by Noyer and is in its original Gold Frame.

‘la Dame Mondaine 1981’ is selling for $400 on eBay and slightly less, unframed, on Esty and other sellers of art. I am selling for far less as I’m looking for a quick sale due to having waaaay too many paintings.

It is in Perfect Condition! No blemishes or scratches on either the artwork or frame. The color is as if new. The photographs may show some ‘shadowing’ as it’s hard to get clear pictures due it being encased in glass. Condition: Perfect, as if new

Sell: $145
Unframed Size: 19″ x 19″
Framed Size: 30.5″ x 30.5″
Signed: Plate
Frame: Perfect

Philippe Noyer was born in June of 1917 in Lyon, France and died1985. He studied at the Ecole des Roches, and afterwards Beaux Arts School of Lyon. He then moved to Paris where he studied at the Prestiges Paul Colin School of Art and experienced Surrealism.

His painting career took off in 1943 when he met Paris art dealer Emmanuel David, who put him in contract with the Drouant-David Gallery of Paris. Noyer’s honesty with himself, his inborn draftsmanship and eye for color have earned Philippe Noyer a worldwide reputation.

Currently 2,000 of his oil paintings and watercolors are in museums, collections and private collections.

Contact: Terry

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Listing ID: 700671d000bdfc5d

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